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Before you continue, please have the following readily available …
- A domain name for use with your website. If you DO NOT already have a domain name, please visit DomainsForBooks.com and make a purchase.
- An electronic version of your logo (if you have one). JPG or PNG file formats are preferred. The larger the file, the better the resolution. It’s easy for us to make a file smaller. Making it bigger often distorts the image. If you need a logo, we can design one for you for $150. If you would like more information, please email us at info@bookauthorpublisher.com. (We do not require a logo in order to create your website, but logos are an important component in your branding.)
- Electronic versions of your book cover(s) — front and back. JPG or PNG file formats are preferred. Again, the larger the file, the better it looks on your website. We’ll crop and size it to fit.
- Optional — Up to five photographs, e.g., headshot(s), illustrations from your book(s), etc.
- Optional — Excerpts of your book(s) in PDF format
- Optional — Reviews of your book(s) in PDF format
Please be as thorough as possible in your responses. Be sure to include your email address and telephone number so we can contact you if we need clarification on your input.
This will take about 30 minutes to complete. Please have the previously mentioned information readily available before you get started — it will make the entire process much faster and easier for you.